iPhone Apps

The Tower Of Maze
released: 2011/10/28
price: free
languages: English or 日本語
platform: iPhone3GS/iPhone4/4S ( not supported iPhone3G )

TheTowerOfMaze is a simple 3D 3rd person shooter game.
You operate a character like a bear and aim at the goal.

There is 10 floors in the first version.
You have to fill conditions to open the door for next floor.

We are going to update for adding floors.

If you enable OpenFeint ( default is enabled ) , you can share clear time with OpenFeint users.

Let's enjoy play this game!

screen shots

  • 制限時間内にゴールを目指せ!
  • フロアは10面(今後のアップデートで追加予定)
  • 熊に似た3Dのキャラクターを左スティックを動かして操作します。
  • 右のボタンが攻撃ボタンになっているので、敵をみつけたら攻撃します。
  • 敵が攻撃できる範囲内に入ると、ボタンの色が変わります。
  • ボタンの色が変わっている間に攻撃すれば、敵に命中します。
  • 次のフロアへ行くためには扉を開けなければいけません。
  • 扉を開けるには敵をすべて倒すなどの条件を満たす必要があります。
  • OpenFeintを有効にして、世界中のユーザと競争しよう!

3D Four-in-a-Row  (立体四目並べ)

  1. This game is a simple four-in-a-row game with 3D direction.
  2. 1 Player game play with the computer.
  3. 2 Player game play with your family, friends and … .
  4. You can select computer level by settings. (1 Player mode only)
  5. Undo function.
Screen Shots

How to Play
  • The player drag your sphere to stage alternately. If you want to drop sphere for vertical direction, you can only drop sphere on ball’s there previous or on the stage.
  • The game is won by the first player who lines up 4 of his or her spheres in any direction with 3D .
  • If you drag the screen in the game, you can change stage view. And if you double-tap the screen, you can reset stage view.
  • When you touch undo button, you can put back step by step if undo is on.
  • If you play one player mode, you can select computer level by settings.

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